2024 Sponsors

We thank all of our sponsors for their dedication to our students and their goal of building the most perfect robot season over season. Every little bit will help the team and the mission of earning a spot at Worlds in Houston each and every year.
We appreciate your consideration and time to read over our list of sponsors and to please mention Team 1591 when you utilize their services.
If you consider a donation, our Sponsorship Scale lets you know what each level can provide for you and/or your business.





Friends of Greece Gladiator Robotics

*Friends of Robotics is a section for individuals who have donated to the team in the $0 - $300 range and stay anonymous*

If you are able to help sponsor our Robotics Team in any way (food, materials, time, etc.), we always appreciate any help.  For your donation, we provide advertising opportunities on our website and t-shirs.  Please review our sponsorship levels and see what will work best for you and your organization: Greece Gladiators Robotics - Sponsorship Scale